- other materials
- 原料: raw material; crude material ...
- 其它原因死亡: dead of other cause
- 死于其它原因: dead of other causes
- 原料: raw material; crude material; stock; staple; subject; raw stuff; rough material◇原料成本 material cost; 原料处理 material handling; material processing; 原料基地 raw material base area; 原料计价 material valuation; 原料生产 production of material; 原料消耗 raw material consumption; 原料油 raw oil; 原料资源 raw material resources
- 其它: accrued taxes payable- other; elisa; long-term loans payable - other; misc miscellaneous; miscellaneous assets other; miscellaneous liabilities - other; other current assets - other; other current assets-other; other current liabilities - others; other intangible assets - other; other intangible assets-other; other long-term liabilities - other; other non-operating expenses- other; other non-operating revenue- other items; other operating costs - other; other operating costs-other; other operating revenue - other; other payables - other; other receivables - other; other receivables-other; scissors; short-term borrowings - other; short-term investments - other; short-term investments-other; the others; unix