其他: other; else特指: refer in particular to的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...早期: early stage; early phase; pr ...妊娠: encyesis; gestation; concept ...出血: bleed晚期妊娠出血: bleeding in late pregnancy其他特指的多胎妊娠: other specified multiple gestation其他特指的关节病: other specified arthropathy其他特指的节肢动物传出血热: other specified arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever其他特指的胎儿或新生儿出血: other specified hemorrhage of fetus or newborn妊娠出血: hemorrhage of pregnancy关节其他特指的病症: other specified disorder of joint麻疹伴其他特指的并发症: measles with other specified complications其他特指的病毒性肝炎: other specified viral hepatitis其他特指的簿性肝炎: other specified viral hepatitis其他特指的部位弓形体病: toxoplasmosis of other specified sites其他特指的部位念珠菌病: candidiasis of other specified sites其他特指的产科创伤: other specified obstetrical trauma其他特指的大疱性皮肤病: other specified bullous dermatosis其他特指的关节结核: tuberculosis of other specified joint其他特指的汗腺病症: other specified disorder of sweat gland其他特指的肌肉病症: other specified muscle disorder其他特指的内分泌病症: other specified endocrine disorder其他特指的皮肤病症: other specified disorder of skin