其他: other; else或: nǎi-.待: treat; deal with分类: classify的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...抽动: twitch; spasm; spasmodic jer ...障碍: hinder; obstruct; rub; bar; ...其它或待分类的抽动障碍: other or unspecified tic disorders其他或待分类的多动障碍: other or unspecified hyperkinetic disorders其他或待分类的品行障碍: other or unspecified conduct disorders; otheroru ecifiedconductdisorders其他或待分类的人格障碍: other or unspecified personality disorder其他或待分类的双相障碍: other or unspecified bipolar disorders; otheroru ecifiedbipolardisorders其他或待分类的心境障碍: other or unspecified mood disorders其他或待分类的行为障碍: other or unspecifide behavioural impaiment其他或待分类的持续性心境障碍: other or unspecifide persistent mood disorders; otheroru ecifidepersistentmooddisorders其他或待分类的儿童社会功能障碍: other or unspecified cildhood disorders of social functioning其他或待分类的广泛性发育障碍: ogher or unspecified pervasive developmental disorders; ogheroru ecifiedpervasivedevelopmentaldisorders其他或待分类的精神病性障碍: other or unspecified psychotic disorders其他或待分类的特定学习技能发育障碍: other or unspecified developmental disorders of scholastic skills; otheroru ecifieddevelopmentaldisordersofscholasticskills其他或待分类的童年和少年期精神障碍: other or unspecifide mental disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence; otheroru ecifidementaldisorderswitho etusuallyoccurringinchildhoodandadolescence其他或待分类的性偏好障碍: other or unspecified disorders of sexual preference其他或待分类的性身份障碍: other or unspecified gender identity disorders; otheroru ecifiedgenderidentitydisorders其他或待分类的性指向障碍: other or unspecified sexual indirection disorders其他或待分类的言语和语言发育障碍: other or unspecified developmental disorders of speech and language; otheroru ecifieddevelopmentaldisordersof eechandlanguage其他或待分类的应激相关障碍: other or unspecified stress-related disorders