其他: other; else原因: cause; reason; account; mast ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...阻塞: choke; block; clog; stop; ob ...临产: about to give birth; parturi ...其他原因的比例不称: disproportion of other origin其他原因: other reasons交锁双胎阻塞临产: locked twins obstructing labor其他原因之债: obligatio ex variis causarum figuris; obligatioexvariiscausarumfiguris死于其他原因: died of other causes原因的: casual; causal; causative甲状腺毒症不伴甲状腺肿或其他原因: thyrotoxicosis without goiter or other cause筛子的阻塞: blinding of screen表示原因的: expressing or indicating a cause表原因的: causal成为原因的: causative附带原因的: contributory cause构成原因的: causal无原因的: causeless; sine causa物理原因的: physicogenic致病原因的: nosogenetic作为原因的: caus. |遮光的阻塞的: blocking指示剂的阻塞: blocking of the indicator无显著原因的: causeless