The active range of motion ( arom ) of each finger joints is a useful tool for assessing finger performance 摘要在探讨病患因手外伤或类风湿性关节炎后手功能的恢复,最常使用的就是关节主动活动度的测量。
关节: joint; articulation; articul ...主动: initiative活动: move about; exercise度: surmise; estimate主动活动度: active range of motion; arom; range of active movement增加主动活动度训练: active range of motion exercise被动活动度: range of passive movement主动活动: active movement关节活动度,可动度,动度: range of motion关节活动度: joint range of motion; motion of joint; range of motion, rom被动活动度训练: passive range of motion exercise转向关节主动轴承: steering knuckle thrust bearing关节活动度表: joint range of motion chart关节全活动度: complete rang of motion主动辅助活动度: active assisted range of motion包括关节活动度: assess client's musculoskeletal system including range of motion of joints关节活动度测量: measurement of range of motion正常关节活动度: normal range of joint motion单节主动轴: single-jointed drive shaft活动度: mobility双臂关节测角器,关节活动度测规: double armed universal goniometer转向关节主销: steering knuckle king pin关节动度计: arthrometer关节移动度: range of joint excursion被动活动: passive action