关: close; shut树人: ents; treant; woses相关树: releasing trees; relevance trees相关树型: relevance tree郭树人: guo shuren江树人: jiang shuren吕树人: shuren lv潘树人: m39树人语: entish王树人: shuren wang; wang shuren姚树人: yao shuren袁树人: yuan shuren周树人: lu xun百年树人: it takes a hundred years to educate the people.; education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit.: 中国有句古话: “十年树木, 百年树人。” an old chinese saying goes, “it takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people”毒性树人: nenp堕落树人: nenc丽中树人: my teen-age pupils牧树人饮料: ent-draught欧诺金 树人: onodrim树人长者: elder wose远古树人: ancient wose灾祸树人: n00v; nepl召唤的树人: summoned treants召唤树人: a01j水平相关树技术: horizontal relevance tree