Guan di faith of chinese and the guan di temple in old beijing 关帝信仰与老北京的关帝庙
Extant ruins potential projects : the temple to guanyu , the xuanhua former human dwelling , the vice - all series yamen , beijing flag character and style village 现存遗址可开发项目:京旗博物馆、关帝庙、宣化上人故居、副都统衙门、京旗风情村。
If you enter the temple through the front gate , you will see guantin bodhisattva before you , and a group of buddha ' s at the left 当你从关帝庙的正门步入,迎面是南海观音菩萨,左侧为释迦牟尼睡佛群像;大殿前是万世师表孔子,那吒太子和笑口常开的弥勒佛。
In houston , a city in the southwest of the united states , some asian people pooled their efforts and resources to build the texas guandi temple reflecting the classic and grand multiethnic culture of asian immigrants in the united states as well as featuring the traditional chinese culture and architecture 远在美国西南重镇的休斯顿,有一群志同道合的亚裔侨民,他们广交朋友,纵?联合,集多团体多族裔人民之伟力,协力同心创建了一座既有传统中华文化和建筑艺术特色,又反映美国亚裔移民多民族文化之古雅雄美的德州关帝庙。
关帝: guan di; guan yu北帝庙: xuan wu黄帝庙: temple of yellow emperor关帝山: guandi shan关帝厅: general kuan yu shrine关帝文化: kuan tai北帝与北帝庙: xuan wu关帝信仰与道德崇拜: belief in guan- god and worshiof morality关蒂尼: guantini关蒂: guanti关地: sekichi关电: switch off关底: boss