关于: about; on; with regard to; c ...越南: Viet Nam战争: war; warfare的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...记: remember; bear in mind; comm ...实: solid报道: report; cover和越南战争: the vietnam war越南战争: vietnam conflict; vietnam war难忘越南战争: vietnam now; vietnam, now关于越南问题的巴黎协定: vietnampeace agreement动员结束越南战争运动: mobilization to end the war in vietnam来自越南战争而得名: da nang lung真实报道: factual account调查美国在越南战争罪行公民委员会: citizens commission of inquiry into u.s. war crimes in vietnam结束越南战争全弓调委员会: national committee to end the war in vietnam结束越南战争全国动员委员会: national mobilisation committee to end the war in vietnam结束越南战争全国协调委员会: national committee to end the war in vietnam结束越南战争新动员委员会: new mobilization committee to end the war in vietnam纽约要求结束越南战争委员会: new york committee to end the war in vietnam外伤后急性呼吸衰竭,来自越南战争而得名: da nang lung越南战争退伍军人反战组织: vietnam veterans against the war战争的: martial; military; warlike战争记实: the history of the war关于在越南结束战争: agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in vietnam