关于: about; on; with regard to; c ...疯狂: insane frenzied; unbridled英语: English疯狂英语: crazy english在疯狂英语看到: have/get a good head on one's shoulders疯狂英语口语绝招-句型经典: conversational drills他对疯狂英语很着迷: he is crazy about crazy english他对疯狂英语很着迷(来自旺旺英语): he is crazy about crazy english疯狂英语口语绝招-脱口而出经典: blurt out sentences疯狂英语口语绝招-脱口而出经典iso: blurt out sentences疯狂英语口语绝招-自我表达经典: common self-expressions欢迎到李阳疯狂英语公司来: welcome to li yang crazy english company李阳疯狂英语之国际肌肉三最短文 第一辑: international muscle training他的行为近于疯狂: his conduct borders on madness一定要尽可能多地听专业的疯狂英语录音带: listen to crazy english professional tapes as much as possible狂英: crazy english深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中: deein the darkness of passion's insanity疯狂: 1.(发疯) insane2.(猖狂) frenzied; unbridled 疯狂叫嚣 frenzied clamouring; 疯狂掠夺 unbridled plunder; 疯狂病 whirling disease; 疯狂即兴爵士乐 be-bop; 疯狂摇滚乐 acid rock关于英语学习的谈论: talking about learning english关于中专英语词汇教学: on teaching english vocabulary to secondary training school students一些关于英语的新闻: some news about english关于: about; on; with regard to; concerning; in regard to [of]; with respect to; as respects; as regards; in this regard; in one's regard; as concerns ...; as to; relate to ...; in relation to; relative; as far as ... be concerned 关于保护森林的若干规定 regulations concerning the protection of forests; 关于航运的国际立法 international legislation on shipping; 关于中东局势 re. situation in the middle east (公文开头)关于大学英语课堂环境的几点思考: opinions on college english classroom environment关于计算机专业英语教学的探讨: research into the teaching of professional english for computer science majors关于轮机专业英语教学改革的若干思考: marine engineering english teaching and educational reform