关中话: guanzhong hua关中驴: guan zhong donkey关中刀客-虎头: swordsmen of the passes―tiger head关中平原: guanzhong; kuan-chung plain相关中枢: correlation centre关中刀客-董二伯: swordsmen of the passes―uncle donger关中刀客-愤操子: swordsmen of the passes―pitch fork关中刀客-黑脊背: swordsmen of the passes―black spine关中刀客-花翎子: swordsmen of the passes―tail feather关中刀客-拼镢子: swordsmen of the passes―making pegs关中刀客-七寸子: swordsmen of the passes―seven inches关中刀客-仁厨子: swordsmen of the passes―butcher关中刀客-肉瓤子: swordsmen of the passes―meat pulp双韧管关中柱: amphicribral siphonostele处理机无关中断: processor-independent interrupt处理机相关中断: processor-dependent interrupt关中刀客-鹞子龙五: swordsmen of the passes―long wu sparrow hawk相关中英文词汇: am am gt摘机(挂机)开关中断申请: hsint收集有关中国官员的情报: spy on chinese officials一本有关中国艺术的书: a book about chinese art中东志愿机关中央协调委员会: central coordinating committee of voluntary agencies in the middle east关治郎: kanjiro关治: kanji关智一: dee; seki tomokazu; tomokazu seki关智斌-月光光: dj hebe
关中的日语:関中.函谷関?武関?散関?蕭関に囲まれた陝西省の渭河流域地区をさす.关中的韩语:[명사]〈지리〉 섬서성(陝西省) 위하(渭河) 유역 일대.关中的俄语:pinyin:guānzhōng 1) внутри от проходов, в пределах собственно Китая 2) пров. Шэньси (КНР)关中什么意思:Guānzhōng 指陕西渭河流域一带。