共: common; joint; mutual; gener ...首: head的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...船首的: forward (fwd) or fore; forward or fore词首的: initial; nifel尖首的: sharp-bowed为首的: arch; chief字首的: ill; initial船首的划手: bowman船首的铁链。: bowfast可消首的: expendable球鼻首的: bulb-bowed群龙无首的: acephalous形像匕首的: belemnoid元首的面孔: der fuehrer's face自首的爱: surrendering lover最初的、词首的: initial起首的单词前: b m我匕首的刀身: the blade of my knife一字中起首的: the initial h' in hour' is not aspirated. hour【航海】冲击船首的巨浪。: green sea榜首的轰动单曲: number one hits非重读字首的省略: aphaeresis || apheresis使人痛心疾首的: wrenching无头的, 群龙无首的: acephalous