

发音:   "六畜兴旺"的汉语解释   用"六畜兴旺"造句
  • the domestic animals are all thriving
  • 六畜:    the six domestic animals
  • 兴旺:    prosperous; flourishing; thr ...
  • 六畜:    the six domestic animals (pig, ox, goat, horse, fowl and dog)
  • 兴旺:    prosperous; flourishing; thriving; roaring; palmy; boom 兴旺的事业 prosperous business; 短暂的兴旺 boomlet; 他的生意兴旺。 he has a thriving business. 到处呈现一片兴旺景象。 everywhere is a scene of prosperity. 营造业的兴旺导致了目前当地房屋建筑土地价格上涨。 the boom in building has resulted in the local land being more valuable now for houses. 企业没有良好的管理不会兴旺。 a business cannot thrive without good management. 我们的事业兴旺发达, 后继有人。 our cause is flourishing and has no lack of successors
  • 六畜痫:    six animal epilepsies


        六畜:    the six domestic animals
        兴旺:    prosperous; flourishing; thr ...
        六畜:    the six domestic animals (pig, ox, goat, horse, fowl and dog)
        兴旺:    prosperous; flourishing; thriving; roaring; palmy; boom 兴旺的事业 prosperous business; 短暂的兴旺 boomlet; 他的生意兴旺。 he has a thriving business. 到处呈现一片兴旺景象。 everywhere is a scene of prosperity. 营造业的兴旺导致了目前当地房屋建筑土地价格上涨。 the boom in building has resulted in the local land being more valuable now for houses. 企业没有良好的管理不会兴旺。 a business cannot thrive without good management. 我们的事业兴旺发达, 后继有人。 our cause is flourishing and has no lack of successors
        六畜痫:    six animal epilepsies
        六畜不安:    successive family misfortunes; even the domestic animals have no peace
        邓兴旺:    deng xingwang
        韩兴旺:    han xingwang
        李兴旺:    li xingwang
        刘兴旺:    liu xingwang; xing-wang liu
        兴旺, 发达:    with tail in the water
        兴旺,繁荣:    thrive
        兴旺的:    booming; flourishing; prosperous; thrifty; thriving
        兴旺期:    blossom period
        张兴旺:    xing-wang zhang
        (经济)繁荣,兴旺:    boom
        百业兴旺:    he that will thrive must rise at five
        槽头兴旺:    a manger full of sturdy livestock
        短暂的兴旺:    boomlet
        繁荣,兴旺发达:    boom
        繁荣兴旺:    flourishing; prosperous; thriving; rich and vigorous
        买卖兴旺:    bursting with biz
        农业兴旺:    prosperity in farming
        人丁兴旺:    have a flourishing population
        商业兴旺:    brisk commerce


        六畜兴旺什么意思:liù chù xīng wàng 【解释】六畜:牛、马、羊、猪、鸡、狗。指各种牲畜、家禽繁衍兴旺 【示例】五谷丰登,~ 【拼音码】lcxw 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、分句;含褒义


  1. "六须鲇"英文
  2. "六须鲇属"英文
  3. "六须鲶"英文
  4. "六畜"英文
  5. "六畜不安"英文
  6. "六畜痫"英文
  7. "六牙"英文
  8. "六牙轮钻头"英文
  9. "六亚甲胺"英文
  10. "六亚甲二胺"英文


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