States that the square of a planet s orbital period is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun :行星公转周期的平方和其与太阳平均距离的立方成正比。
Induced by their orbital motion will affect the spectra . such systems are called spectroscopic binaries ,会令光谱中的吸收线产生周期性的偏移,让我们得知这系统的公转周期。
Moreover , the time for charon to go around pluto is the same as the rotational period of pluto . therefore , charon is a 此外,查戎的公转周期和冥王星的自转周期一样,所以它是一颗
Is 29 . 5 days . interestingly , the rotational period of the moon relative to the sun is exactly the same as the synodic period 盈亏月。月球的自转周期刚好和它的绕地公转周期相等,这种情形称为
In fact , pluto orbits in a 3 : 2 orbital resonance with neptune meaning that for every three complete orbits that neptune makes around the sun , pluto completes two 事实上,冥王星与海王星公转周期有3 : 2的共振关系,即海王星每环绕太阳三周,冥王星便会环绕太阳两周。
公转: revolution周期: period; cycle; circle; revol ...月球公转周期: lunar period公转周转: complete revolution; complete rotation真公转周: true revolution回转周期: gyration period; period of revolution; turning period空转周期: null cycle满转周期: period of complete rotation扭转周期: torsion period绕转周期: rotation period旋转周期: cycle of convolution; period of rotation; rotation period; rotational period运转周期: run length; running period周转周期: cycle of turnover自转周期: period of rotation; rotation period会合自转周期: synodic rotation period连续运转周期: cycle of operation天线旋转周期: antenna rotation period停止运转周期: off cycle; off-cycle银道旋转周期: galactic year资金周转周期: cash conversion cycle公转: [天文学] revolution 地球既公转又自转。 the earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis.; 公转周期 period of revolution 停止运转周期融霜: off cycle defrosting; off-cycle defrosting无差错运转周期: error-free running period恒星及会合运转周期: sidereal and synodic revolution periods裂化过程中连续运转周期: cycle of oparation