公益: public good; public welfare工作: work; operation; working; op ...无益工作: lean外汇损益工作底稿: exchange profit worksheet为国家利益工作: work for the good of one's country公益: public good; public welfare 热心公益 public-spirited; 公益事业 cause of the public good; 公益金 public welfare fund 收益工具: earnings measure效益工程: benefit project效益工资: achievements-related wages; wages based on benefits; efficiency-related wage公益报: bien publico el; el bien publico公益金: benefit; common fund set aside for welfare; legal public welfare fund; public welfare funds; the community chest of hong kong; welfare fund公益林: public welfare forest公益性: public benefit; public interest公益庄: gongyizhuang三益工业公司: samick industrial co., ltd联益工业有限公司: luen yick manufacturing & property co., ltd代间公益物: intergenerational public goods transgenerational public goods法定公益金: include: statutory reserves; including:statutory public welfare fund; legal public welfare fund; statutory public welfare fund公益创业: social entrepreneurship公益法人: public interest corporation; public service corporation; public welfare legal entity公益广告: psas; public service a ouncement; public service ads; public service advertising(psa); public service announcement; public-interest ad公益活动: public benefit activities; socially useful activity公益基金: non-profit foundation; public welfare fund公益机关: public authority; welfare agencies公益精神: public spirit