公民: citizen服务: give service to; be in the s ...运动: arrange things or get things ...公民服务中心: citizen services centre国际公民服务机构: service civil international洋务运动: self-strengthening movement; westernization movement服务运营商: internet service provider便民服务: ads; convenience service; convenient service; service for the convenience of the customers人民服务: good boy; serve the people为民服务: serve the people a member of a nationality为民服务室: public room为人民服务: dem volk dienen; equipped for service; le service au peuple; serve the people; service au peuple le; servire il popolo; the candidats; work for people移民服务: immigrant service国民服务公司: national service industries人民服务员报: loka sevak人民服务组织: peoples service organisation (pso)网络服务运行系统: nsos妇女移民服务中心: women immigrants of london圭亚那国民服务队: guyana national sevice国民服务办公室: office of national service国民服务队司令: commandant of the national service; commander of national service美国国民服务队: americorps耶稣会难民服务社: jesuit refugee service永久居民服务中心: permanent resident services centre公民权利运动: civil rights movement