公有: publicly-owned; public领地: manor territory公有领域: public domain〔英国〕王室领地;(自治领的)公有土地。: crown land公有: publicly-owned; public 公有财产 public property; 公有林 common forest; 公有土地 nationalized land领地: 1.(封建主占有的土地) manor2.(领土) territory公有的: commonable; communal公有地: common; communally; state land公有化: transfer to pubic ownership; socialization◇公有化水平 level of social public ownership公有林: communal forest; community forest; forest for community; forest of public establishment公有物: public things; re ublicae; res gentium; res publicae公有制: public ownership◇公有制经济 pubilc-owned economy共有领域: joint territory拥有领土的: domanial有领背心: lapeled vest有领导艺术: good leadershiskills有领结的领: tie collar有领圈的: collared有领蜥蜴: common collared lizard北领地: nt领地的: feudal其领地: preceptory占领地: at the beginning of the 19th century british possessions具有领导潜质: demonstrated leadership potential有领袖气质的: charismatic