公平: fair; just; impartial; equit ...竞争: compete with; contest不公平竞争: unfair competition; unfair competitive practice公平竞争规约: fair competition rules公平竞争环境: level playing field公平竞争原则: promoting fair competition公平竞争, 公平交易: fair competition不公平竞争,不法竞争: unfair competitopn不公平竞争行为: act of unfair competition公平竞争的环境: level playing field维护市场公平竞争: protect fair competition in the market公平竞争国际委员会: comité international pour le fair-play图书馆平衡不公平竞争: libraries level the playing field遵循公平竞争的原则: to observe the principle of fair competition不公平竞争和竞争政策问题专家会议: meeting of experts on unfair competition and competition policies公平竞技奖: fair play award公平竞赛奖: fair play trophy来一点公平竞争没什么不对: there's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition违反公平竞争原则的作业方式: restrictive business practices低水平竞争: low-level competition水平竞争: horizontal competition公平竞赛,公平对待: fair play公平的竞争,公平对待,光明磊落: fair play公平的竞争环境: level playing field公平: fair; just; impartial; equitable; justice 公平的待遇 square deal; 不公平的待遇 raw deal; 公平无私 dispassionate fairness; 我们的老师以给学生评分公平著称。 our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils. 公平算帐友谊长。 even reckoning makes long friends.; 公平定价 arm's length pricing; 公平分担原则 principle of equitable burden-sharing; 公平分配 equitable distribution; 公平价格 fair price; 公平交易 fair dealing; fair trade; be fair in buying and selling; buy and sell at reasonable prices; 公平解决 equitable settlement; trade justly; straight dealings; 公平竞争 fair competition; 公平市价 fair market value; arm's length pricing; 公平原则 the fairness doctrine