We will conduct our business in a work environment with open communications treating people fairly and with respect 我们将在一个开放交流,尊重且公平待人的环境下推进我们的事业。
The fair mug ensures that every guest can drink the oolong tea with same concentration , same aroma and same color . so it is fair to everybody 公道杯的作用,是使乌龙茶汤的浓度性、香气、色泽达到一致,公平待人。
公平: fair; just; impartial; equit ...〔美国〕公平待遇。: fair shake不公平待遇: inequities; raw deal; rotten deal; unfair treatment公平待遇: arir play; fair shake无差别待遇, 无不公平待遇, 不歧视: non-discriminatory一视同仁, 毫无偏袒, 大公无私, 公平待遇: not make chalk of one and cheese of the other公平: fair; just; impartial; equitable; justice 公平的待遇 square deal; 不公平的待遇 raw deal; 公平无私 dispassionate fairness; 我们的老师以给学生评分公平著称。 our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils. 公平算帐友谊长。 even reckoning makes long friends.; 公平定价 arm's length pricing; 公平分担原则 principle of equitable burden-sharing; 公平分配 equitable distribution; 公平价格 fair price; 公平交易 fair dealing; fair trade; be fair in buying and selling; buy and sell at reasonable prices; 公平解决 equitable settlement; trade justly; straight dealings; 公平竞争 fair competition; 公平市价 fair market value; arm's length pricing; 公平原则 the fairness doctrine春待人: instrumental不偏待人: no respecter of persons诚恳待人: treat others with earnestness赤诚待人: treat people with absolute sincerity待人诚恳: be sincere with people待人耿直: be straight forward in one's dealings待人接物: the way one gets along with people; manner of dealing with people; the way one conducts oneself in relation to others待人刻薄: treat people meanly待人宽,对已严: forgive others but not yourself待人宽厚: be generous to people待人偏爱: treat a person with favour待人亲切: be cordial to sb.待人如己: treat others like oneself待人以诚: treat people with sincerity; be honest in dealing with people; sincerity in dealing with people待人以宽: large-mindedness [broad-mindedness] in dealing with people待人以礼: to treat one with civility待人有礼貌: be polite to sb公正待人: be just [fair] to a person