

发音:   用"公平定价"造句
  • arm's-length pricing
  • arm’s-length pricing
  • 公平:    fair; just; impartial; equit ...
  • 定价:    fix a price; make a price; s ...
  • 每天公平定价:    everyday fair pricing
  • 衡平定价:    equity pricing
  • 平定:    1.(平稳安定) calm down; pacify 他的情绪终于平定下来。 he calmed down in the end.2.(平息) quell; pacify; suppress; put down 平定叛乱 put down a rebellion


  1. The us judiciary orders microsoft to separate into three different companies and launch arm ' s length pricing
  2. They range from protection of the environment and global warming to fair pricing of water services and equitable distribution of water for irrigation , industry and household use


        公平:    fair; just; impartial; equit ...
        定价:    fix a price; make a price; s ...
        每天公平定价:    everyday fair pricing
        衡平定价:    equity pricing
        平定:    1.(平稳安定) calm down; pacify 他的情绪终于平定下来。 he calmed down in the end.2.(平息) quell; pacify; suppress; put down 平定叛乱 put down a rebellion
        采用不公平的定价政策:    adopt unfair pricing policy
        公平:    fair; just; impartial; equitable; justice 公平的待遇 square deal; 不公平的待遇 raw deal; 公平无私 dispassionate fairness; 我们的老师以给学生评分公平著称。 our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils. 公平算帐友谊长。 even reckoning makes long friends.; 公平定价 arm's length pricing; 公平分担原则 principle of equitable burden-sharing; 公平分配 equitable distribution; 公平价格 fair price; 公平交易 fair dealing; fair trade; be fair in buying and selling; buy and sell at reasonable prices; 公平解决 equitable settlement; trade justly; straight dealings; 公平竞争 fair competition; 公平市价 fair market value; arm's length pricing; 公平原则 the fairness doctrine
        定价:    1.(规定价格) fix a price; make a price; set price 给某物定价 fix a price for sth.; set a price on sth.; 定价偏低 under-pricing; 这家店里衣服定价偏高。 the clothes in this shop are priced high. 这本字典定价 5元。 the dictionary is priced five yuan.2.(规定的价格) fixed price; price fixing; list price; 定价成本 costs involved in determining price; 定价目标 pricing objective
        平定,抑制:    suppress
        平定堡:    pingdingbu
        平定管:    q tube
        平定军:    pingding county
        平定省:    binh dinh province
        平定县:    pingding county
        讲和,绥靖,平定:    pacification
        拉平定律:    flare law
        蛮夷平定战:    hard
        平定荷载:    ceiling load
        平定叛乱:    put down a rebellion
        水平定起角:    lateral jump
        水平定位片:    horizontal spacer
        水平定位销:    horizontal positioning pin
        松平定信:    matsudaira sadanobu
        公平对待:    not to make chalk of one and cheese of the other; be impartial to ..
        公平调整:    equitable adjustment
        公平对待 正确处理:    do justice to


  1. "公平地分担"英文
  2. "公平地说"英文
  3. "公平地说,凭心而论"英文
  4. "公平地租"英文
  5. "公平调整"英文
  6. "公平对待"英文
  7. "公平对待 正确处理"英文
  8. "公平对待, 平心而论"英文
  9. "公平对待, 适当处理"英文
  10. "公平对待;和…酷似"英文


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