公布: promulgate; announce; publis ...自己: oneself的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...打算: intend; plan; think; mean摊牌,公布自己的打算: lay one’s cards on the table不宣布自己的观点: keeone's own counsel控制你自己的思想和打算: take control of your mind and meditate吐露自己的真实打算: show one's cards; show one's colours做最坏的打算: i cannot be your friend and your flatterer too作最坏的打算: be prepared for the worst自己的: auto; egen, -et, -na; eigen dpron; our own; proper告诉你我的打算: i'm gonna leave u woman在某方面的打算: interested in intent on不顾自己的: selfless唱自己的歌: whenever said my words都有自己的: love story付自己的账: pay one′s own way干自己的活: do one's business干自己的事: hoe one's own row关心自己的: self-regarding寄给自己的: self-addressed某人自己的: of one's own; of one’s own欺骗自己的: self-deceptive生自己的气: be angry with oneself听你自己的: at your disposal