Panya found his selfrespect, gave up drink and after a while became the superintendent of an apartment house . 潘雅的自尊心恢复了,戒了酒,不久之后当了某公寓大厦的管理员。
But i cannot wait for you to meet the guys at nana ' s condo 但是我觉得你得先见我奶奶公寓大厦的伙伴
But i cannot wait for you to meet the guys at nana ' s condo 但是我觉得你得先见我奶奶公寓大厦的伙伴
A yet - to - be - completed manhattan apartment block nets $ 1 . 4 billion in unit sales 而位于曼哈顿的一栋尚未竣工的公寓大厦通过套房销售净赚14亿美元。
Tailored to meet our clients ' needs , yesir reality offers more than 2 , 500 houses ranging from furnished apartments in convenient locations to single houses with pools and gardens surrounded by woods 我们提供超过2 , 500家之房屋供选择,从含齐全家电之公寓大厦至林?包围、环境清雅幽静含游泳池之独栋别墅。
公寓: apartment house; block of fl ...大厦: edifice; large building; man ...分户出售公寓大厦: condo || condominium几里年苑公寓大厦: killiney apartments〔美国〕公寓大楼。: apartment complex公寓大楼: apartment building; apartment complex; apartment skyscraper公寓大楼层: apartment storey公寓大楼楼群: blocks of flats马赛公寓大楼: l'unite d'habitation de marseille一个高层公寓大楼的建筑: a building project of high rise apartment houses价格按季节和公寓大小而定: reduced rates for elderly成远大厦酒店公寓: chengyuan plaza上海新世纪大厦酒店公寓: apartment of mansion hotel in the new century of shanghai公寓: 1.(能容许多家居住的房屋) flats; apartment house; apartment; housing; rookery2.(租期较长、房租论月计算的旅馆) lodging house◇公寓大楼 [美国] condominium; 公寓大厦 mansion; 公寓建筑 apartment building; 公寓酒店 aparthotel大厦: edifice; large building; mansion polystyle; prytaneum大公寓: tenements /flat房间, 公寓: apartment公寓楼: apartment block; block of flats; multiunit红桥 公寓: apartment华公寓: lying light; lying panel南开 公寓: apartment售公寓: old apartment套房,公寓: flats (d05)小公寓: flatette; flatlet找公寓: looking for an apartment