Non - pollution control on the green - house vegetables 陕西省设施大棚蔬菜病虫害发生特点及无公害防治技术
Harmless prevention and cure of potato stem nematode ditylenchus dipsaci 马铃薯茎线虫的无公害防治初探
Non - polluted control measure of common diseases in pond fish in spring 池塘春季常见鱼病的无公害防治措施
Pollution - free use of sunspray oils for controlling main pests of citrus 矿物油在柑桔主要害虫无公害防治中的应用
Moreover , this article puts " stop damage , eliminate the obstruction and eliminating the effects of the act " as the main civil responsibility patterns and gives some relief ways to aggrieved parties 另外,将“停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险”作为《公害防治法》的几种主要民事责任方式,并提出对污染受害者进行救济的几种途径。
公害: pollution nuisance; public n ...防治: prevention and cure; prophyl ...公害防治工作: public pollution control work公害防治设施: common pollution control facilities公害防止工作: public pollution control work病虫害防治: blight proof courses; extermination of disease and insect pest; pest control病害防治: disease control虫害防治: pest control除害防治: elimanating pests and preventing disease冬害防治: winder injury control灾害防治: disaster prevention and control病虫害防治法: pest control method虫害防治措施: pest control measure地质灾害防治: control of geological hazard冬害防治研究: study on controlling of winter injury公路灾害防治: prevention and cure against highway disaster滑坡灾害防治: landslide disaster prevention森林灾害防治: prevention and control of forest disasters生物虫害防治: biological pest control综合灾害防治: integrated disaster preparedness病虫害防治措施: pest control measure; pest measure病虫害防治管理局: pmra病虫害防治技术: techniques of pest control病虫害防治帐单: pest control bill第九章病虫害防治: preventionandcontrolofdiseasesandpests