公司: corporation; incorporation; ...利润额: amount of profit公司利润: corporate profit公司利润税: corporate profit tax; corporate profits tax; taxation of corporate profits公司利润税, 公司利得税: corporation profit tax利润额: amount of profit; mass of profit; profit value未分配公司利润的免税: exemption of undistributed corporate profits年利润额: annual profit公司利得税: corporate profits tax对外投资利润额: income on investments abroad年度计划利润额: planned annual profit贸易公司利丰: li &fung本年其他业务利润额: other business profit amount in current year可抵扣(应税利润额的)亏损抵前: carrying back a tax loss超额公司利得税: extra tax on corporate profit; extrataxoncorporateprofit以资产增值方法计算的利润额: betterment profit国民 英国利兰公司利兰部: national能与客户沟通保护公司利益: is able to communicate with customers to protect company’s interest指责公司利用广告误导我们: accuse companies of using ads to mislead us伦敦罗得西亚矿业和地产公司利金矿产分公司: lonrhos's legion mine熊 英国利兰股份有限公司利兰商用车辆分部: bear公司间内部利润: inter-company profit公司纳税后利润: corporate profits after taxes公司纳税前利润: corporate profits before taxes公司社团利润留存: corporate retained earnings