

发音:   用"公务汽车"造句
  • official car
  • 公务:    official business
  • 汽车:    automobile; motor vehicle; c ...
  • 公共服务汽车:    public service vehicle
  • 公务:    public affairs; official business 执行公务 exercise a public function; 公务护照 service passport; 公务人员 government functionary
  • 公务板:    order wire board ow; overhead processing board


        公务:    official business
        汽车:    automobile; motor vehicle; c ...
        公共服务汽车:    public service vehicle
        公务:    public affairs; official business 执行公务 exercise a public function; 公务护照 service passport; 公务人员 government functionary
        公务板:    order wire board ow; overhead processing board
        公务部:    ministry of works
        公务舱:    business class; business-class cabin
        公务车:    officer's car
        公务船:    vessel used for official purpose
        公务的:    official
        公务机:    business jet
        公务线:    order wire; orderwire
        公务员:    public functionary; orderly; a person with official functions◇公务员法 a public servant law
        因公务:    on business
        值勤, 公务:    line of duty
        公务人员;公务员:    public servant
        汽车:    automobile; motor vehicle; car 公共汽车 bus; autobus; 微型汽车 baby car; midget car; 小汽车 car; sedan; 小型公共汽车 minibus; 越野汽车 cross-country car; 自卸汽车 dump truck; 载重汽车 truck; heavy-duty truck; 装甲汽车 an armoured automobile; 将汽车倒开出车库 back a car out of a garage; 上公共汽车 board a bus; 他正在学开汽车。 he is learning to drive.; 汽车保险 automobile insurance; 汽车保养场 garage; 汽车吊 truck crane; 汽车吊车 autocrane; 汽车队 motor transport corps; autofleet; fleet of cars; fleet of trucks; 汽车工业 auto industry; automobile industry; automotive industry; 汽车混凝土搅拌机 motor-truck concrete mixer; 汽车集装箱 auto container; car container; 汽车驾驶执照 driver's licence; 汽车间[房] garage; 汽车俱乐部 automobile club; 汽车拉力赛 (motor; automobile) rally; 汽车旅馆 motel; 汽车轮胎 doughnut [美俚]; 汽车牌照 licence plate; 汽车起重机 [机械工程] crane truck; truck crane; yard crane; autohoist; derrick car; tyre crane; 汽车千斤顶 motorcar jack; 汽车赛 automobile racing; 汽车试车场 autodrome; 汽车外胎 autotyre casing; 汽车修理厂 garage; 汽车修配厂 motor repair shop; 汽车修配工 motorcar fitter; 汽车越野赛 autocross; 汽车运输 motor transport; 汽车运输公司 fleet operation; 汽车租赁 automobile leasing and renting
        公务员;公务员制度;公务员队伍:    civil service
        本地公务员:    local officer
        病室公务员:    ward attendant
        不妨碍公务:    ne impediatur officia
        初级公务员:    junior member of the civil service
        船厂公务艇:    yard launch
        单身公务员:    single officer
        地方公务员:    local public service employee


  1. "公务教育"英文
  2. "公务旅行"英文
  3. "公务旅行,出差"英文
  4. "公务秘密法"英文
  5. "公务评论"英文
  6. "公务签证"英文
  7. "公务签注"英文
  8. "公务人面"英文
  9. "公务人员"英文
  10. "公务人员, 公职人员, 国家职员"英文


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