She received several official letters this morning 她今天早晨收到了几封公函。
How do you mean ? - it ' s for my new personaiized stationery 你的意思是? -这是装我的新的个性化的公函用的。
How do you mean ? - it ' s for my new personaiized stationery -你的意思是? -这是装我的新的个性化的公函用的
For staff only , please enter with your password . this page contains school circulars and emb bulletin 只限本校教职员工输入校内个人密码浏览。在本页内,各教职员工可阅读校内行政通告及教署公函。
45 records of baptism and confirmation , weddings , funerals and other official correspondence representing the congregation in consultation with the pastor 与牧师谘商下保存洗礼及坚信礼、婚礼、葬礼记录、及代表教会的公函。
公函采购: letter purchase order公函定单: letter orders公函范本: specimen letter空军公函: air force letter行政公函: official letter公函定单, 订货信: letter orders固定形式公函: standard letter执行方案公函: letter of compliance program不反对修订公函: no objection letter在公函上盖印章: affix a seal to an official letter委托, 调查证据的公函, 请求调查的公函: letters of requistorial牧函:主教对所属教友之公函。: pastoral letter用作公函的结尾套语: used as a very formal ending to an official letter before the signature这是国家教委的一份公函: this is an official letter from the state education commission不反对修订公函不反对入住书: no objection’ letter公害组织: nuisance organism公害振动: vibration pollution公害噪音: noise pollution公害与环境: nuisances et environnement公翰: a surname 公翰千 gonghan qian公害引起的疾病: disease caused by pollution
公函的法语:名 message officiel;lettre officielle公函的日语:(同級の,または従属関係のない機関の間でやりとりする)手紙形式の公文.公函的韩语:[명사] (1)동급 기관이나 서로 예속되지 않는 기관 사이에 왕래되는 공문. →[私信] (2)여러 사람이 연명한 서한.公函的俄语:[gōnghán] деловое письмо; официальная бумага公函的印尼文:surat rasmi; 公函什么意思:gōnghán 平行及不相隶属的部门间的来往公文(区别于‘便函’)。