公共财政: public finance处: place公共财政: finances publiques; public finance公共财政管理: management of public finance; public financial management公共财政季刊: public finance quarterly公共财政体制: public finance system公共财政学会: iipf国际公共财政学会: iipf; international institute of public finance地方政府职能与公共财政: function of local government and public finance公共财政和金融机构司: division of public finance and financial institutions公共财政和商业发展处: public finance and business development branch国家与地方公共财政: state and local public finance建立公共财政的基本框架: establish the basic framework for a system of public finance特许公共财政及会计: chartered institute of public finance and accountancy特许公共财政及会计学会: chartered institute of public finance and accountancy财政处: fdb公共财: public good公共财政和私营部门发展处: public finance and private sector development branch中央财政处: central fiscal agency公共财产: common properly; common property; public funds; public good; public properly; public property公共财产权: common property rights公共财富: public wealth公共财货: public goods爱护公共财物: care for our community; care for our cornmunity; protect public property; protect public propety盗窃公共财产罪: larceny of public property