公共: public; common; communal接口: joggle; nozzle; mouthpiece; ...通用: be in common use; be current ...通用网关接口,公用网关接口,公共网关接口: cgi common gateway interface; common gateway interface公共网关接口: java通用网关接口: cgi common gateway interface; cgi:common gateway interface; common gateway interface (cgi)公共网关接口 cgi: common gateway interface, cgi远程公共网关接口: remote common gateway interface本地通用网关接口: lcgi local common gateway interface公用网关接口: cgi(common gateway interface)公共网关接口程序索引簿: cgi-bin快速公共网关接口协议: fast common gateway interface protocol; fastcgi远程公用网关接口: rcgi remote common gateway interface公用网关接口脚本文件格式: cgi网关接入服务: gateway access service产品相关接口: product-dependent interface介质无关接口: media independent interface介质相关接口: mdi媒体无关接口: media independent interface媒体相关接口: mdi medium dependent interface; medium dependent interface mdi任务相关接口: mission dependent interface设备无关接口: device-independent interface相关接口优化: relational interface optimization通用网关界面: cgi common gateway interface; cgicommon gateway interfacerface网关,网间接口单元: gatewaynetworkelementgne