公共: public; common; communal端: end; extremity接地: landing; body; ground connec ...点: drop公共端: common port电路公共端: circuit common接地点: earth connection point; earth point; earthed point; earthing point; gnd; ground point; touch down point; touch number; touchdown point公共端隔离输入: input with isolated common point后接地点: search for接地点,袖端,套: sleeve(sle)接地点封器: ground contact closure接地点高度: touchdown elevation接地点位置: position of touchdown公共接地: common ground接触器接地点: earth thimble of contactor公共入口地点: public access site高出接地点的高: height above touchdown高于接地点的高度: hat height above touchdown轮胎接地点扁平化: flat-spotting of tyres人体接地点选择器: body earth point selector自动着陆接地点的散布: autoland touchdown dispersion公共发射站器材安装地点: telepoint equipment site公共接地线或其他连接线: bus bar地点: place; site; locale 故事发生的地点 the locale of a story; 开会地点 place for a meeting; venue; 适合办商业网点的地点 suitable location for a shop; 这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点。 this corner would make a good location for a gas station.; 地点税 local tax; 地点套汇 arbitrage in space 氩电极惰性气体保护接地点焊: aircospot welding