The business, his work, that was gone entirely, his public interests has disappeared as if they had never been . 生意,工作,那一切都完全消失了。他对公共事业的关心也已荡然无存,似乎根本就没有过这种兴趣。
He spoke a pleasant word or two about a pamphlet i had written in 1960 arguing for a large allocation of our resources to the public sector . 他却对我在1960年写的一本主张把更多的资源用于公共事业的小册子说了一两句好话。
They all sought the same goals: impartial government, fair taxation, regulation of public service companies and expanded social services for the lower classes . 他们追求的共同目标是:大公无私的政府、公平的税收、对公共事业公司的管理、以及面向下层阶级的公益服务事业的扩大。
A comparative study of administration of public affairs 公共事业管理的比较研究
Researches in the construction of public cause management 公共事业管理学科建构之研究
公共: public; common; communal事业: cause; undertaking效用,公共事业: utility地方公共事业: local community project公共事业单位: public undertakings公共事业费率: public tariff公共事业公司: utility company公共事业股票: utility stock公共事业管理: nonprofit management; public service management; public utilities management公共事业基金: utility funds公共事业决策: public decision making公共事业设备: utilities公共事业杂志: public service journal公共事业支出: public utility expenditure市办公共事业: city-owned utilities公共事业, 公用事业: public use公共事业;公用事业: public utilities公用事业,公共事业: public utility革新公共事业部: department of public service renewal公共事业,公用设施: utility公共事业;公营企业: government business enterprises公共事业的发展: expansion of public works公共事业振兴署: works progress administration经济部公共事业处: dept of public enterprises社会公共事业用房: institutional occupancy
公共事业的法语:entreprise de service public公共事业的日语:パブリックワークス こうきょうじぎょう公共事业的韩语:공익 사업公共事业的俄语:благоустройство предприятие коммунального хозяйства公共事业的阿拉伯语:تصنيف:مرافق عمومية; 公共事业的印尼文:fasilitas umum; 公共事业什么意思:为满足社会大多数人的需要所经营的各类事业。 如邮电、交通、医疗等。