

发音:   用"公俭"造句
  • gong jian
  • :    state-owned; collective; pub ...
  • :    thrifty; frugal
  • 槐公俭:    huai gongjian
  • 公件:    bull
  • 公检法司:    public security organs procuratorates courts and justice departments; public security organs, procuratorial organs, people's courts and judicial organs


        :    state-owned; collective; pub ...
        :    thrifty; frugal
        槐公俭:    huai gongjian
        公件:    bull
        公检法司:    public security organs procuratorates courts and justice departments; public security organs, procuratorial organs, people's courts and judicial organs
        公建:    a surname 公建清 gongjian qing
        公检法机关:    orga of the public security, the procuracy and the court; organs of the public security the procuracy and the court; organs of the public security, the procuracy and the court; public security organs procuratorial organs and people's courts; public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts; public security organs, procuratorial organs and people’s courts
        公建房施工组织设计:    rar
        公检法:    public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts
        公建民助住房:    private-aid public housing
        公兼:    kimikane; kinkane
        公建清:    gongjian qing
        公坚定:    gongjian ding


  1. "公坚定"英文
  2. "公兼"英文
  3. "公检法"英文
  4. "公检法机关"英文
  5. "公检法司"英文
  6. "公件"英文
  7. "公建"英文
  8. "公建房施工组织设计"英文
  9. "公建民助住房"英文
  10. "公建清"英文


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