Housing should be bought second - hand off public property , how to calculate the purchase 公产二手房买产权应如何计算购房款
Responsible for financial affairs , public property , cash , assistance in collection of taxes , etc 关于财务、公产、出纳及协助税捐稽徵等事项。
" alienation " of the humanities concern with three agriculture about the poor people economics in china is that private rights and public rights game in benefits which agricultural land and the village economy make decision 摘要“穷人经济学”对三农的人文关怀在我国的“异化” ,实为公产公权与私产私权在农地和农村经济决策上的利益博弈。
The targets liquidated were : originally state - owned public property , familial property formed for a long time in the non - government basic - level society , warehouses , etc . , these properties were confiscated because of public usage 清理对象中固然有原属于国家的公产,但更多的则是民间基层社会长期以来形成的族产、仓储、桥会等等,只因其用于公共用途而被提拔充公。
公产的法语:le domaine public le domaine publique公产的日语:公共財産.公产的韩语:[명사] 공공 재산. =[公业]公产的俄语:pinyin:gōngchǎn государственная (общественная) собственность; общественное имущество (достояние)公产的阿拉伯语:التراث الطبيعي المشترك; المشاعات; رخصة الملك العام؛ الأموال العامة؛ أملاك الدولة; 公产什么意思:gōngchǎn 公共财产:侵吞~。