

[ bāmiànwēifēng ] 发音:   "八面威风"的汉语解释   用"八面威风"造句
  • an awe-inspiring reputation extending in every direction; make [present] a magnificent appearance
  • 威风:    1.(使人敬畏的声势或气派) power and prestige; domineering influence; high prestige backed up with power 灭敌人的威风 puncture [deflate] the enemy's arrogance2.(有威风) imposing; impressive; awe-inspiring; majestic looking 他穿上军装显得很威风。 he looks majestic in uniform
  • 八面:    bamian; octa; yatsuomo
  • 摆威风:    give oneself airs
  • 逞威风:    show off one's strength or power
  • 抖威风:    throw one's weight about


  1. Of a powerful build , a wild yak may weigh more than 1 , 000 kilogrammes with its whole body covered by long dark brown hair


        威风:    1.(使人敬畏的声势或气派) power and prestige; domineering influence; high prestige backed up with power 灭敌人的威风 puncture [deflate] the enemy's arrogance2.(有威风) imposing; impressive; awe-inspiring; majestic looking 他穿上军装显得很威风。 he looks majestic in uniform
        八面:    bamian; octa; yatsuomo
        摆威风:    give oneself airs
        逞威风:    show off one's strength or power
        抖威风:    throw one's weight about
        假威风:    panache
        耍威风:    make a show of authority; be overbearing; throw one's weight about
        威风地:    disposedly
        显威风:    impress sb. with one's authority; show one's prowess 在小百姓面前显威风 impress the common folk with their authority
        八面体;八面:    octa
        八面城:    bamiancheng
        八面的:    octahedral; octal
        八面锋:    1. [书面语] (锋利无比) very sharp
        八面光:    (of character) manage to please everybody
        八面山:    bamian shan
        八面石:    octahedrite
        八面体:    octahedron; octahedrite; octahedral
        八面通:    bamiantong
        八面柱:    octagon column
        正八面:    octahedron
        逞威风的人:    bully
        大灭威风:    puncture the arrogance of
        大施威风:    throw one's weight about
        灭人威风:    run sb. down
        八面矽钙铝石:    hibschite
        八面形的:    octagon


        八面威风的法语:Les Coulisses de l'exploit (film)
        八面威风的韩语:【성어】 위풍이 당당하다. 기세가 주위를 압도하다. 大将军八面威风; 대장군은 위풍이 당당하다
        八面威风的俄语:pinyin:bāmiànwēifēng чрезвычайно внушительный; воинственный вид
        八面威风的印尼文:eight men out;
        八面威风什么意思:bā miàn wēi fēng 【解释】形容神气足,声势盛。 【出处】元·尚仲贤《单鞭夺槊》第四折:“圣天子百灵相助,大将军八面威风。” 【示例】年龄不到五十许,体态虽十分端丽,神情却八面威风。(清·曾朴《孽海花》第十二回) 【拼音码】bmwf 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;形容人很有气势,威风十足 【英文】awe-inspiring appearance


  1. "八面体正应力"英文
  2. "八面体座"英文
  3. "八面体座, 八面体位置"英文
  4. "八面铁陨石"英文
  5. "八面通"英文
  6. "八面矽钙铝石"英文
  7. "八面形的"英文
  8. "八面陨石"英文
  9. "八面周全"英文
  10. "八面柱"英文


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