八: eight甫: man's courtesy name谷: valley; ravine; gorge八辅: hachisuke八福田: the eight fields for cultivating blessedness: buddhas arhats八盖: paggai八福寺: hachifukuji; yafukuji八缸发动机: eight cylinder engine八福,真福八端: beatitudes八纲: [中医] the eight principal syndromes: yin and yang (阴阳); exterior and interior (表里); cold and heat (寒热); hypofunction and hyperfunction (虚实)◇八纲辨证 analysis and differentiation of pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes; differentiation of eight principles八福: beatitudes the八纲辨证: eight principal syndrome differentiation; syndrome-differentiation by eight principles八氟异丁烯: octafluoroisobutylene; perfluoroisobutylene