八: eight次: order; sequence方: square一千的八次方: septillion八次: hachiji次方: capital; order; the power of n, the nth power八次郎: hachijiro八次配位: eightfold coordination八次交织碰击: entrechat huit第八次十字军: eighth crusaden次方: nth power次方程: equation of n th order次方根: the root of n, the nth root二次方: square三次方: cube四次方: biquadrate; the power of four, the fourth power一次方: first power第八次十字军东征: eighth crusade辛巴达第八次航行: the 8th voyage of sinbad10的100次方: googol10的负10次方: tenth-meter乘n次方: raise to nth power乘四次方: to the fourth power; to the power of four次方法拉: mff次方焦耳: exajoule