Taking all the parameters character of the gas pool into account , it can be result that fullness of gas pool is lacking and gas layers are more blocks by the influence of faults , and thereout the model of making pool can be done 考虑气层各参数特征,认为整个八屋气田气藏充满度不足,受断层影响气层多成块分布,由此建立了相应的成藏模式。
By the study of logging result of 31 wells , it can be known that the development of gas layers are different in every well area , disperse in the portrait , and the relation of gas and water so complicates , the distribution of pure gas area is small , bound of connect is limited 结合测井解释结果对全区各层段砂层、气层的钻遇率、连通性的统计认为八屋气田各井区气层的发育程度差异较大,纵向上气层分散,气水关系复杂,纯气分布区域较小,连通范围有限。
The gas layers are controlled by the faults in the direction east and west in the plane , and in the direction of north and south the connectivity is somewhat better , the wells of connection become more and the gas layers stand in the high place of structure 气田内气层平面上东西向受断层控制,南北连通性略好,连通井数多,且多分部在构造高部位。总体来讲,八屋气田具有气层多,纵向上分布较连续、横向上分布不稳定的特点,东西向主要以断层隔挡,南北向受岩性制约。
This research will try to resolve the distribution and controlling factors of gas layers by the study of division of substrata in bawu gas field . the main reservoir of bawu gas field are the sand layers in the formation of k1sh , k1y , k1d , k2q , sediment delta plane , delta frontier , plait delta developing distributary riverway sand , bayou sand dam , far sand dam and river sand of plait 八屋气田主要储层为早白垩世的沙河子组( k _ 1sh ) 、营城组( k _ 1y ) 、登娄库组( k _ 1d )及晚白垩世的泉头组( k _ 2q ) ,为三角洲平原、三角洲前缘及辫状河三角洲沉积体系,发育分流河道砂、河口砂坝、远砂坝、辫状河道砂等,砂层在平面上连通性差。
八: eight屋: house中八屋: nakahachiya八无碍: the eight universalized powers of the八握胫: yatsukahagi; yatsukawagi八武崎: yabusaki八握: yatsuka八五: hachigo八窝龙: bawolung八五划划: the 8th five-year plan for national economic and social development八文字: hachimonji; yamoji八五计划期间: the eighth five year plan period八卫: hachie