By the end of 2005 eight major proposed projects had incorporated this tool into their plans 截至2005年底,本港已有八宗建议项目应用这套立体视像工具进行规划设计。
Statistics revealed that a total of 408 traffic accidents had occurred in kowloon east region since january this year 警方统计数字显示,今年一月至今东九龙区共发生四百零八宗交通意外。
This is the eighth imported dengue fever reported in 2007 . there were 31cases in 2006 and all of them were classified as imported cases 这是今年第八宗的外地传入登革热个案,去年共有31宗个案,全为外地传入。
The syndicate was believed to be involved in a total of 18 suspicious mortgage loan transactions amounting to a sum of hk $ 7 . 86 million 警方相信该诈骗集团牵涉十八宗可疑按揭贷款交易,涉及金额达港币七百八十六万元。
Statistics revealed that a total of 1 , 218 traffic accidents involving casualties occurred in kowloon east region from january to march this year 警方统计数字显示,今年首三个月东九龙区共发生一千二百一十八宗涉及有人受伤的交通意外。
八: eight宗: ancestor; forbears; forefath ...八宗纲要: essentials of the eight traditions; outline of the eight schools第八宗罪: the eighth八字砖, 盖板砖: back front八足动物: octopod八字指令针: v command bar八祖相承: the succession of the eight founders of the esoteric sect八字翼墙涵洞口: culvert inlet with flared wing wall八左卫门: hachizaemon八字须: moustache八左右: hachisau; hachiso八字形踢脚: splayed baseboard; splayed skirting; splayedskirting