八卦: the Eight Diagrams彩衣: motley彩衣: motley (职业小丑穿的)八卦: (我国古代的一套有象征意义的符号, 后用于占卜) the eight diagrams (eight combinations of three whole or broken lines formerly used in divination)八卦,内八卦: bagua八卦步: the eight diagrams walking八卦刀: bagua blade八卦剑: bagua sword八卦炉: eight trigrams furnace八卦袍: pghe八卦区: gossip八卦拳: choi lei fut八卦图: board八卦靴: (bagua boot)八卦掌: baguazhang; eight trigram palm八卦阵: qimen-baguazhen; wuzhuang八卦坠: pmna鬼八卦: wicked idea彩衣傻瓜: motley fool彩衣娱亲: dressing in motley and clowning to amuse his parents (the reference is about lao laizi of the spring and autumn period -- 770-476 b.c., who at seventy behaved like a child to please his parents.)昆仑彩衣: kunlun coat乾坤彩衣: qiankun coat三清彩衣: sanqing coat神通彩衣: shentong coat太极彩衣: taiji coat