八: eight十: ten岁: year学: study; learn吹打: blow and beat -- to play mus ...八十岁: eighty; fourscore; octogenarian八十岁的: octogenarian七十至八十岁的: septuagenarian吹打: (用管乐器和打击乐器演奏) blow and beat -- to play music; play wind and percussion instruments◇吹打乐 [音乐] an ensemble of chinese wind and percussion instruments十岁: ten八十: 80; eighty; fourscore; hachiju; hatoyama; yaso吹打乐: ensemble of chinese wind and percussion instruments(风、雨等)吹打: beat vi吹吹打打: beating drums and blowing trumpets; all the gongs and trumpets sounded.; all the instruments of music were played.; piping and drumming差十岁: hl六十岁: sixty; threescore七十岁: seventy三十岁: thirty四十岁: forty五十岁: fifty八十八: eighty eight; yasohachi八十并: yasonami八十川: yasokawa八十代: yasoyo八十岛: yasojima; yasoshima