Studies on cytogenetics of the generations which hybridize between triticale and t . aestivum 八倍体小黑麦与普通小麦杂交后代的细胞遗传学研究
Polyploidy is far more common in plants than in animals and very high chromosome number may be found ; for example in octaploids and decaploids ( containing eight and ten times the haploid chromosome number ) 多倍体现象在植物中比在动物中更为普遍,且染色体组数量较大,如八倍体和十倍体(即含有八倍或十倍的单倍染色体数目) 。
Distribution zone of diploid individual are the most extensive in china , while no tetraploid plant is found north of 40 degree north latitude , and hexaploid populations distribute mainly along the changj iang river , is found only in three populations in the yunnan - guzhou plateau . the hexaploid cytotype of var 4细胞地理学研究表明,二倍体占据我国最广大区域,而四倍体分布区的北界则向南迁至40 n ,六倍体主要分布于25 n - 33 n的狭长地带,八倍体则在云贵高原中部及东部边缘零星分布。