比率: ratio净额/总额比率: net/gross ratio余额比率: reserve accounts资本额比率: capital ratio自留额比率: retention ratio持仓限额比率: position limit ratio纯益销售额比率: net profit to sales ratio股价与销售额比率: price-to-sales ratio利润对营业额比率: percentage profit on turnover预算对销售额比率: budget-to-sales ratio产权资本对债务总额比率: equity capital to total debt ratio长期债务对资本总额比率: long-term debt to total capitalization纯益与销货总额比率: ratio of net income to net sales负债对资产总额比率: debt to total assets ratio固定资产对资本总额比率: ratio of fixed assets to total assets固定资产对资产总额比率: ratio of fixed a ets to total a ets; ratio of fixed asset to total asset; ratio of fixed assets to total assets净利与净销售额比率分析: ratio analysis of net profits to net sales净收入对销货净额比率: net income to net sales净收入对销售额比率: net income to sales ratio净收入与销货净额比率: ratio of net income to net sales净收益对销货净额比率: ratio of net income to net sales净收益对销售净额比率: net income to net sales ratio净收益对资产总额比率: net income to total assets ratio; ratio of net income to total a ets; ratio of net income to total assets净益对销货净额比率: ratio of net income to net sale净益对资产总额比率: ratio of net income to total asset