全面: overall; comprehensive; all- ...开采法: extraction system对角工作面开采法: crosscut mining全面长壁开采法: full longwall全面后退式开采法: full retreat system; fullretreatsystem全面前进式开采法: full advance system; full-advance method对角长壁工作面开采法: diagonal long wall work全面开发的二次开采方案: fully developed secondary scheme开采法: method of working; mining method; mining system; miningmethod; recovery method; working method; working system对…全面开火: rake 1全面开发: full development; full-scale development; over-all development全面开放: all-round opening全面开花: (figurative)open uor develoall of the varios aspects; open up or develop all the various aspects全面开挖: full face digging; full face tunneling; full-face digging; full-face tunneling全面开挖法: full face method崩落开采法: caving method; caving system补充开采法: supplementary recovery method长壁开采法: long wall method; long wall system; long-face system; longwall; wall system长柱开采法: long-pillar system充填开采法: filled stopes method; filling system短柱开采法: open end method; openendmethod二次开采法: secondary recovery method方房开采法: square chamber method房式开采法: panel work房柱开采法: chamber and pillar method; chamber and pillar system