

发音:   用"全面和平"造句


  1. China will firmly support sudan ' s comprehensive peace process , and contribute to stability and development in sudan , hu said
  2. Foreign ministry spokeswoman jiang yu s comment on the conclusion of the comprehensive national peace agreement by the parties concerned in nepal
  3. He welcomed the agreement reached among the sudanese government , the united nations and the african union on sending a hybrid force to the darfur region
  4. This comprehensive peace agreement has been reached between government of nepal and cpn ( maoist ) with commitment to transform ceasefire between government of nepal and cpn ( maoist ) into sustainable peace


        全面:    overall; comprehensive; all- ...
        和平:    peace
        全面和平协议:    comprehensive peace agreement
        危地马拉全面和平倡议:    initiative for total peace in guatemala
        全面国际和平与安全制度:    comprehensive system of international peace and security
        世贸组织关于最不发达国家的全面和综合行:    comprehensive and integrated wto plan of action for the least developed countries
        全面:    overallcomprehensiveall-roundentire
        和平:    1.(无战争状态) peace 和平解决边界争端 peaceful settlement of a boundary dispute; 和平利用原子能 peaceful utilization of atomic energy; use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes; 和平统一祖国 peaceful reunification of the motherland; 和平与发展两大问题 two major issues of peace and development2.(温和) mild 药性和平。 the medicine is mild.; 和平倡议 peace proposal; 和平地区 peace zone; 和平改革 peaceful social reform; 和平攻势 peace offensive; 和平过渡 peaceful transition; 和平进军 peace march; 和平竞赛 peaceful competition; 和平力量 forces of peace; 和平鸟 fairy blue bird; 和平谈判 peace negotiation; 和平运动 peace movement; 和平中立政策 policy of peace and neutrality; 和平主义 pacifism; 和平主义者 pacifist
        凹面和凸面:    concave and convex
        表面和吸附:    surface and adsorption
        地面和楼面:    ground and floor
        画面和音响:    bild und ton
        会面和道别:    meeting and departure
        会面和问候:    meeting and greeting
        接口界面和:    hyper-threading
        局面和棋:    positional draw
        面和颈损伤:    injury of face and neck
        面和曲线:    faces & curves
        面和心不和:    remain friendly in appearance but estranged at heart; be friends only on the surface
        斜面和浮雕:    bevel and emboss; bevelandemboss
        正面和反面:    pro and con
        安全面:    safeside; stabilizator; stabilizer
        全面,全体:    across-the-board
        全面“三通”:    the direct two-way and complete “three links
        全面报:    semesta


  1. "全面好转"英文
  2. "全面呵护"英文
  3. "全面核监督协定"英文
  4. "全面核试验禁止条约"英文
  5. "全面核战争"英文
  6. "全面和平协议"英文
  7. "全面合并"英文
  8. "全面合伙"英文
  9. "全面合作"英文
  10. "全面合作伙伴关系"英文


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