全长: overall length公里: kilometre蜿蜒曲折: twists and turns; meander; z ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...艺术家: artist路: road; way; path蜿蜒曲折: (by) twists and turns; meander; zigzag高超的艺术家: a consummate artist performance piece of work饥饿的艺术家: the hunger artist匠气的艺术家: a journeyman artist聚居的艺术家: an artists' colony著名的艺术家: a notable artist writer etc初出茅庐的艺术家: beginning artists达达主义的艺术家: dadaist技艺高超的艺术家: skilled artists有天赋的艺术家: a gifted artist pianist etc著名的艺术家注意: a famous artist创造环境艺术的艺术家: environmentalist曲折的: bandy; circuitous; flexuose; flexural; labyrinthian; meandering; refringent; roundabout; sinuous; switchback; wandering; zz世纪意大利的艺术家: cinquecentist她是含苞待放的艺术家: she's a budding artist有狂热追随者的艺术家: an artist with a cult following ie who is admired by such a group作为批评家的艺术家: the artist as critic曲折的道路: meander曲折的方法: zigzaggery