全部: whole; complete; entire; tot ...进入: get into; enter; entry; ente ...中国: China; Sino-市场: market house; marketplace ma ...中国市场: china market开发(青睐)中国市场: ta(favor) the chinese market开发中国市场: ta the chinese market; tap the chinese market青睐中国市场: ta/ f***or the chinese market; ta/ favor the chinese market中国市场概述: china market overview中国市场年鉴: china markets yearbook中国市场数据: market data on china中国市场学会: china marketing association分中国市场一杯酒: anheuser puts chinese brewers in a spin目标是中国市场: are targeting the chinese market中国市场出版社: china market publishing corp中国市场委员会: ffcmc进入美国市场仅两年后,: after only two years in the american market进入中国科学引文数据库: cdsd在中国市场如何做生意: how to do business in the chinese market中国市场经济研究会: chinese society of market economy research中国市场营销研究中心: mrcc全部进水: solid flooding全部进位: complete carry全国市场: national market外国市场: foreign market