全部: whole; complete; entire; tot ...购买: purchase全部购买或销售否则即取消的命令: fill-or-kill order全部购买或销售否则即取消定货: fill in kill order全部买进, 直接购买: buying outright购买: purchase; buy; emption 到别处购买 buy elsewhere; 从某人处购买某物 buy from [of] sb.; 购买礼品 gift purchases; 现金购买 ready-money purchase; 他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本。 he gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.; 购买袋 [英国] carrier bag; 购买动机 buying motive; 购买价格 purchasing price; 购买款 purchase money; 购买热潮 rush; 购买税 purchase tax; 购买限额 buying quota; 购买欲 desire to buy; desire to purchase; 购买证 authority to purchase; purchasing receipt; 购买中心 shopping center全部: whole; complete; entire; total; all 全部保险 full insurance; 全部本领 (一个人的全部能力或才能) everything; (尽最大的努力) business; 全部时间 all one's time; 全部产量 full yield; 全部付讫 payment in full; 用全部精力 devote all one's efforts; 全部否认 an utter denial; 全部经验 the whole gamut of experience; 全部开支 total expenditure; 全部债务 total debts; 全部丧失劳动能力 total disability; 全部处理掉 sell out; 尽一个人的全部力量 exert all one's strength; 看事物的全部 view things in their totality; 所有旅馆全部客满。 the hotels were booked solid. 这就是事情的全部真相。 that's the whole truth about it. 学过的词汇我全部掌握了。 i've completely mastered the use of all the words i've learned.; 全部保险费 in-full premium全部;全部的: all全部换全部: all for all采购,购买: einkaufen, das反购买: counter purchase购买,进货: purchase购买(货): purchases购买,采购: purchasing购买,购置: purchase购买;买: buy购买袋: carrier bag购买单: local purchase order购买点: point of purchase (pop); purchase center购买法: purchase methed; purchase method购买方: purchaser购买价: acquisition price; purchase price购买款: purchase money购买力: purchasing [buying] power; buy◇购买力平价 purchasing power parity; 购买力平价理论 theory of purchasing power parity; 购买力平价说 purchasing power parity theory购买品: purchase