全部: whole; complete; entire; tot ...盘存: take inventory总部盘存系统: headquarters inventory system全面盘存, 彻底盘存, 全部库存: complete inventory分部盘: sectional tray盘存: take inventory 盘存折旧 depreciation inventory; 定期盘存 period inventory; 全部盘存 complete inventory; 实地盘存 physical inventory; 帐面盘存 book inventory; 盘存短耗 inventory shortage; inventory shrinkage; 盘存清单 inventory list全部: whole; complete; entire; total; all 全部保险 full insurance; 全部本领 (一个人的全部能力或才能) everything; (尽最大的努力) business; 全部时间 all one's time; 全部产量 full yield; 全部付讫 payment in full; 用全部精力 devote all one's efforts; 全部否认 an utter denial; 全部经验 the whole gamut of experience; 全部开支 total expenditure; 全部债务 total debts; 全部丧失劳动能力 total disability; 全部处理掉 sell out; 尽一个人的全部力量 exert all one's strength; 看事物的全部 view things in their totality; 所有旅馆全部客满。 the hotels were booked solid. 这就是事情的全部真相。 that's the whole truth about it. 学过的词汇我全部掌握了。 i've completely mastered the use of all the words i've learned.; 全部保险费 in-full premium牛颈部盘尾丝虫病: cervical onchocercosis of cattle; neck onchocercosis of cattle存货;盘存: inventory盘存;清华: stock taking盘存表: inventory sheet; inventory table盘存点: review point盘存法: inventory method盘存价: value as the basis of inventory盘存票: inventory ticket盘存技术, 盘存方法: technique for taking inventory用品盘存, 供应品盘存: inventory of supplies用品盘存, 物料盘存: supplies inventory用品盘存;供应品盘存: inventory of supplies全部;全部的: all全部换全部: all for all按期盘存制: periodic inventory system不定期盘存: continuous physical inventory材料盘存: material inventory材料盘存;报告: stores inventory report