

发音:   用"全身泥浴"造句
  • full-length mud bath
  • 全身:    the whole body; all over
  • :    cover or daub with plaster,p ...
  • :    bath; bathe
  • 全身泥污的:    bedraggled
  • 泥浴:    balneum coenosum; balneum luteum; illutation; mud bath, bog bath; mud-bath


        全身:    the whole body; all over
        :    cover or daub with plaster,p ...
        :    bath; bathe
        全身泥污的:    bedraggled
        泥浴:    balneum coenosum; balneum luteum; illutation; mud bath, bog bath; mud-bath
        河泥浴:    slime bath
        热泥浴:    thermal mud bath
        沼泥浴:    balneum coenosum; mud bath moor bath
        浑身泥:    labber
        满身泥:    drabble
        泥浴疗法:    bog bath therapy; illutation; mud bath therapy; mud-bath treatment
        全身:    the whole body; all over (the body) 全身发抖 shake all over; 全身画像 a whole-length portrait; 全身湿透 be wet from top to toe; be soaked to the skin; 全身是伤 be covered with cuts and bruises; 全身铸像 a whole-length statue; 照全身的镜子 a whole-length mirror; 我全身疼痛。 every bone in my body seems to ache.; 全身不适 general malaise; 全身剧痛 periodynia; 全身疗法 constitutional treatment; general treatment; 全身麻醉 general anesthesia
        浑身泥巴:    bemire
        弄得满身泥:    drabble
        一身泥巴:    be covered all over with mud a suit
        弄得混身泥巴:    bemire
        全身, 浑身:    at every pore
        全身, 完全:    head and ears
        全身病:    a systemic disease; general disease; hologathy; holopathy; systemic disease
        全身铂:    holopathy
        全身床:    whole body table
        全身的:    constitutional; general; systemic; whole-length
        全身地:    capapie
        全身化:    generalization; generalize; systemic involvement
        全身甲:    craft plate; v: full plate


  1. "全身免疫法"英文
  2. "全身免疫接种"英文
  3. "全身免疫性"英文
  4. "全身磨砂"英文
  5. "全身泥污的"英文
  6. "全身念珠菌病,全身性念珠菌病"英文
  7. "全身披挂"英文
  8. "全身疲乏"英文
  9. "全身疲劳"英文
  10. "全身皮肤嗜碱性白细胞过敏反应"英文


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