投入: put into; throw into; input; ...身心投入: dedicated你全身心地投入你的犯罪: you devoted to your crime全身心地: heart and soul一心投入某事物: involve oneself completely in sth全身心,全心全意: heart and soul投入全部的身心: qui conantur who strive全心全意地,全身心地: heart and soul我的全身心,我将全力以赴: all i am, all i`ll be身心: body and mind 健全的身心 a sound body and mind; 身心健康 sound in body and mind; physically and mentally healthy; 身心不悦 be in a bad mood; be in low spirits; 身心受到摧残 be physically injured and mentally affected; 身心愉快 be in a good mood她全身心地致力于对音乐的研究。: she devoted herself entirely to m usic我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你: i loved you with my heart, really and truly我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天: i will greet this day with love in my heart投入: put into; throw into; input; investment in 投入大量资金 invest much capital in; 积极投入工作 throw oneself into work actively; 投入战斗 throw (oneself, troops, etc.) into the battle; 投入祖国的怀抱 return to one's own country; 投入生产 put into production; go into operation; 投入怀抱 nestle in the arms of sb.; 投入运行 bringing into service; 在这部作品上投入了五年的劳动 put in five years' labour to the work; 投入产出比 input-output ratio; 投入产出分析 input-output analysis; 投入产出管理 input-output management; 投入产出系数 input-output coefficient; 投入资本 capital invested; vested proprietorship; capital input; contributed capital; vested capital; invested capital; venture capital; 投入资本所得率 rate of return on invested capital全身: the whole body; all over (the body) 全身发抖 shake all over; 全身画像 a whole-length portrait; 全身湿透 be wet from top to toe; be soaked to the skin; 全身是伤 be covered with cuts and bruises; 全身铸像 a whole-length statue; 照全身的镜子 a whole-length mirror; 我全身疼痛。 every bone in my body seems to ache.; 全身不适 general malaise; 全身剧痛 periodynia; 全身疗法 constitutional treatment; general treatment; 全身麻醉 general anesthesia爆心投影点: explosion ground zero; ground zero point; ground-zero; surface zero内心投影: internal projection球心投影: gnomonic projection; gnomonicprojection外心投影: external projection; externalprojection心投意合: of the same opinion; hit it off perfectly中心投影: central projection; gnomonic projection中心投影法: perspective projection身心12: physical and mental身心的: psychosomatic; ychosomatic身心学: somatics