全自动: full-automation; full-automa ...轮转: rotate; round robin式: type; style双色: two-tone塑料: plastics; plastic material; ...鞋: shoes制造: make; manufacture; produce机: machine; engine塑料鞋制造: plastic shoes自动旋转式单色运动鞋制造机: automatic rotary type single color ort footwear making machine; automatic rotary type single color sport footwear making machine双色塑料挤出机: double-colour plastic extruder; double-colourplasticextruder自动轮转式直接注射制运动鞋机: automatic rotary type direct injection ort footwear making machine; automatic rotary type direct injection sport footwear making machine塑料鞋: footwear of plastic; plastic shoes塑料盖制造机: plastic camaking machine塑料瓶制造机: plastic bottle making machine塑料薄膜袋制造机: plastic film bag-making machine变色塑料: chromoplastic material塑料鞋厂: plastic shoes factory塑料鞋类: vinyl/plastic footwear自动练习本制造机: automatic exercise book making machine自动棉球制造机: automatic cotton ball machine全自动塑料制瓶机: full-automatic machine for manufacturing plastic bottle塑料全自动封剪机: plastic full-auto sealing and cutting machine皮鞋制造: leather shoes彩色塑料花篮: fancy plastic flower basket