Embryonic stem cells ( esc ) are undifferentiated totipotent cells that could be differentiated in vivo into any kind of cells theoretically , including germ cells 摘要胚胎干细胞是一种具有发育全能性的细胞系,理论上能分化为包括生殖细胞在内的各种组织细胞。
Embryonic stem ( es ) cell lines isolated from primitive embryonic cells are highly undifferentiated and totipotent cells . in vitro , es cells can spontaneously differentiate into embryoid bodies ( ebs ) containing derivatives of three germ layers 胚胎干细胞( embryonicstemcell , escell )系是从早期胚胎细胞分离培养而建立的高度未分化的具有全能性的细胞系。